
Estado Cultura y Sociedad

Estudios del Hombre

Jornadas Académicas - Serie: Coloquios

Textos de Comunicación y Sociedad

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Premio Juan Rulfo

Cuenca del Pacífico: Retos y oportunidades para México

Series Pacific Rim


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Estudios del Hombre, 24
Serie Antropología de la Alimentación
Food, Imaginaries and Cultural Frontiers. Essays in Honour of Helen Macbeth

F. Xavier Medina, Ricardo Ávila e Igor de Garine (coordinadores)

450 pp. /UdeG

Año 2009
Rústica, 16 x 23.5 cm
ISBN: 978-607-450-142-1

Could ICAF be waht it has become without Helen Macbeth? She has been a main actor in giving us a working structure, organizing us, keeping in touch, informing everyone of events and of what happened in the meetings she attended. Her academic background contributed to the specific features of the scientific disciplines she endeavoured to establish. In 1964, the International Biological Programme on the biological structure of human populations put the focus on food and nutrition, on the nutritional adaptation of humanity, which opened the way for the human sciences. This is why Icaf can be characterized by its approach to food and nutrition by scholars belonging to both biological and human sciences. It prevented our group from drifting towards the study of folk beliefs on food, as did the previous International Committee for the Anthropology of Food and Food Habits.

It is difficult to imagine to imagine Helen not getting ready to go somewhere: from Australia to Slovenia, from Catalonia to America, travelling light, sleeping in trains, airports, having fun and talking to people. Her experiences would make a nice yarn: from freezing in the Danube delta to dancing the waltz in Copenhagen at the opening of the Ixth Congress of the European Anthropological Association.

How many books have been published thanks to her? The whole Berghahn “Anthropology if Food” series we owe to her energy, and that is without counting Alimenta Populorum: we all have one of the few issues of that nice little journal on our bookshelves. With great patience, she has edited and often helped re-write chapters or articles when some authors could not write in English. Herrole in our scientific production has been major.


Annie Hubert and Igor de Garine/
F. Xavier Medina and Ricardo Ávila /11

Nutrition, Health and Culture

Biosociocultural Aspects of Nutrition
Wulf Schiefenhoevel /17

Hunger and Gluttony among the Masa and Muzey of Northern Cameroon
Igor de Garine /37

Food Stories of Difficult Children, Manufacturing of Disgusts and Experience of the Crohn Disease
Virginie Masdoua /45

Attitudes and Representations of Dietician: a Comprehensive Approach of the Contemporary Diet Logic
Matthieu Duboys de Labarre /63

Relaciones entre biología, cultura e historia en el tratamiento de los trastornos alimentarios
Mabel Gracia Arnaiz /73

Encrucijadas alimentarias: desencuentros sociales respecto a la biotecnología agroalimentaria
Juanjo Cáceres Nevot /89

Food and Cultural Imaginaries

Women who cook with Angels in Calabria
Alfonsina Bellio /101

Food Discourses in Ninotchka and One, Two, Three: Hollywood and the Colonization of the East
Luis Cantarero & Monica Stacconi /127

La sopa y las sopas de plantas silvestres alimentarias en El Alentejo, Portugal
Maria-Manuel Valagão /143

The Milk Ties
Jeremy MacClancy /163

El lugar por donde pasa la vida… Los mercados y las demandas urbanas contemporáneas: Barcelona y Buenos Aires
F. Xavier Medina y Marcelo Álvarez /183

Market Gardening in Florence: Transgressing Urban and Rural Borders in the Struggle for Local Food
Rachel E. Black /203

Chili Pepper, from Mexico to Europe: Food, Imaginary and Cultural Identity
Esther Katz /213

La procesión de las espigas
Ricardo Ávila, Martín Tena y Martha Ocegueda /233

Countryside and the City, Food and the Imaginary: Perceptions of the Rural at the Table
Renata Menaschez /255

Conjunciones y disyunciones del gusto en el sur de Chile
Sonia Montecino/269

Prácticas alimentarias en un barrio de clase media en Cali, Colombia
David Quintero /281

Food and Cultural Frontiers

Fronteras alimentarias: los OGM entre el imaginario social y la naturaleza cultural
Amado Millán /301

La frontera como horizonte culinario: Andalucía y Marruecos
Isabel González Turmo /319

La paella en las culturas culinarias españolas y francesas (siglos XIX-XXI)
Frédéric Duhart y F. Xavier Medina /333

La yuca y el plátano macho. Migración y totemismo alimentario
Cecilia Montero /345

Representaciones sobre la alteridad. Inmigración, contacto inter-
tercultural y alimentación

Paula Durán /367

Inmigración marroquí en España: connotaciones sociales y culturales
Leila Abu-Shams /379

High-Alpine Peasants: Way of Life and Alimentation during the 19th Century
Aurélie Rousselot-Pailley /393

Del Pirineo a la Cordillera Ibérica: sistemas alimentarios en las montañas de Aragón (siglos XI-XV)
María Luz Rodrigo Estevan/405

Culinaria y organización social en torno a la frontera agrícola de México. La comida tarasca en la Relación de Michoacán
Rodolfo Fernández y Daria Deraga /423

Geoffrey Harrison /437

Helen Macbeth’s Selected Bibliography

Acerca de los Autores


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