


Núm. 19
281 pp. /UdeG


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Annie Hubert /9


Theories of Human Evolutionary Trends in Meat Eating and Studies of Primate Intestinal Tract
Patrick Pasquet and Claude-Marcel Hladik /21

The Trouble with Meat: an Ambiguous Food
Igor de Garine with the collaboration of
Valerie de Garine /33

A Metaphor of Primitivism: Cannibals and Cannibalism in French Anthropological Thought of the 19th Century
Gilles Boëtsch /55

Meat: Between Ritual and Gastronomy
Igor de Garine with the collaboration of
Valerie de Garine /73

Meat: The Staple Diet for Arctic Peoples
Joëlle Robert-Lamblin /91

Meat Gluttons of Western Mexico
Ricardo Ávila, Rodolfo Fernández and
Guillermo Gómez /105

Meat among Mediterranean Muslims: Beliefs and Praxis
Francoise Aubaile-Sallenave /127

Cows, Pigs and... Witches! On Meat, Diet and Food in the Mediterranean Area
F. Xavier Medina /155

Consumtion of Meat in Czech Countries: Historial and Social Relationships
Jana Parizkova /165

On the Absence and Presence of Meat at the Dining Tables of Working-Class Barcelona Families from the Post-War Years to Today
Mabel Gracia Arnaiz /177

To Eat or Not to Eat Meat in Urban Catalan Society: Imaginary and Cultural Aspects
Carme Garcia Gimeno /201

Eating Happy Pigs
Anne Elène Delavigne /219

The consequences of Laws Regulating Lizard Consumption: The Case of Fardacho
Luis Cantarero /235

Tjakangka Malu Ngalkuntjikitja: Celebrating the Kangaroo According to the Law
Frédéric Viesner /249


Mutsuyama, Akira (2003)Traditional Dietary Culture of South East Asia
Annie Hubert /267

Poulain, Jean Pierre et Edmond Neirinck (2003), Histoire de la Cuisine et des Cuisiniers
Isabelle Téchoueyres /273

Guía de colaboradores /277

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Coordinación de Tecnologías para el Aprendizaje