Propuesta para una nueva agenda de investigación sobre comunicación internacional
Jossep Rota y Clemencia Rodríguez

Findings from an international survey conducted among communication experts suggest that it is time to formulate a new research agenda in the field of international communication. This new agenda should be adequate for the economic, geopolitical and technological new global realities. The increasing influence of transnational companies in the world and the diminishing of the nation-states are the dichotomous branches of a current polemic, which seems to get even more complex when one analyses the results of the present study. The authors synthesize the proposals of the 84 experts ( coming from 34 different countries), by grouping them in four main topics: a) The study of media effects on different dimensions, such as social changes, globalization of communications and transnationalization of communities and identities; b) the need for applied and formative researches; c) the need for studying existing research, and d) the study of philosophical and ethical media issues.


 Los medios de comunicación masiva en Puerto Rico
Federico A. Subervi Vélez, Nitza M. Hernández López y Aline Frambes-Buxeda

This article states that the "commercial" and "liberal" character of Puerto Rican media is a consequence of the historical relations between this country and the USA. According to a constitutional arrangement, Puerto Rican mass media are integrated to the North American economy; however, try also constitute the scenario of political struggles regarding the Island status. In this context, mass communication systems barely as a public service. On the contrary, media ownership structure gives way to promotion of imported material and cultural products. Given the fact that education in English is mandatory for Puerto Ricans, the Americanization of their everyday life is reinforced with the behavior of media. The authors emphasize the relevance of studying, for future works, the consequences of this Americanization phenomenon.


 Recepción de medios, clases, poder y estructura. Cuestiones teórico-metodológicas de investigación cualitativa de la audiencia de los medios de comunicación de masas
Maria Immacolata Vasallo de Lopes

The progress made on qualitative audience´s studies, or what some people call ethnographic research on media reception, is still no more a liberal defense of mass culture. As a result, the cultural and political criticism that encouraged the leading cultural studies, is in the progress of fading. This provocative statement, is the author´s invitation to revitalize the debate on media reception research in Latin America, where the mediation´s model has an outstanding place. She proposes to face the theoretical and methodological obstacles that the mediation´s model presents, when it is applied to analyze a historical and social reality like the Latin-American one. In questioning the "culturalist ambivalence" of such an approach, whose focus is on the subject´s cultural practices relationship, the author emphasizes, following Sergio Calleti, the relevance of bringing our attention back to the theoretical links between the political and cultural spheres of power exercise in everyday life, and to the need for developing the existing category of political and cultural hegemony, to a better study of subjectivity phenomena.


 ¿De qué se constituye el habitus en la práctica periodística?
Cecilia Cervantes Barba

This essay is a preliminary attempt of articulation between the sociology of journalism and the reflexive sociology of Pierre Bourdieu. The author analyzes some of the findings of empirical newsmaking studies accomplished in the USA and Great Britain, countries where the academic field of "media sociology" has reached its apogee during the last two decades. Such a situation has not yet been possible within mexican universities, given the characteristics of our teaching and research programs. The article highlights that in Mexico there are two specific obstacles for developing applied and particularly, ethnographic research on journalistic practices. On the one hand, one may encounter media´s autarchy, since researches are not easily allowed visits to media organizations. On the other hand, there is a methodological impediment related with the difficulty of overcoming a trivial "constructivism", which seems to characterize even the most systematized studies conducted on this subject.


 Audiencias selectivas en el entorno de la oferta multiplicada; el discurso materno acerca de los usos de la televisión y otros medios
Martha Renero Quintanar

Development of communications world corporations has made possible the increasing of everyday entertainment options. given this fact, a pertinent questions arises: "does the diversification of media offers imply a diversification of 'active' or specific audiences?" According to a study conducted with mothers living in a capital city and a bordering one, regarding the uses and meanings of watching television within their families, women still have a central role in the domestic environment. The author proposes a preliminary audience segmentation, considering the access that children of these families have to private or elementary schools. Consumption of a greater variety of TV programs (some of them in english) appears to be a symbol of status for people with access to private schools.


 La dimensión cultural del rumor. De lo verdadero a los diferentes regímenes de verosimilitud
Margarita Zires

In this article, the author presents and analyzes the concept of rumor developed by Knapp, Allport and Postman during the end of the World War II, such a concept shaped the predominant approach, methodology and analysis techniques for the study of this phenomenon. She rejects that news and objectivity are the direct opposite of rumors, and proposes the build a different perspective of analysis considering the cultural an power dimensions, and focusing on the process of making verisimilitude in a given society, rather than on the search for veracity or falseness of stories. Relying on the theoreticians of inter-textually (Kristeva; Zumthor), the author suggests that looking at the cultural order as a context would be fruitful for a better understanding of the complexity of communicative process and, consequently, of the cultural processes in our contemporary societies.


 Las peores opiniones. Opinión pública, encuestas, elecciones y medios en México, 1994
Raúl Trejo Delarbre

The 1994 mexican presidential election process witnessed a 'boom' of polls, unknown until then in a country. The author analyzes the production and dissemination of electoral surveys within this period, and suggests that this is one of the sources of the arising democratic culture in Mexico. He finds that polls are a worthwhile instrument for producing sociological and political diagnoses, and not an infallible 'oracle'. According to this observations, some of the surveys conducted recently showed political bias and overestimated their results, when they were not pseudo-surveys.



 El primer sistema de televisión en México
Francisco Hernández Lomelí

Mexican television history began early in the 1930. The first TV system was installed in June 1935, as a project of the ruling party: the PNR (Revolutionary National Party). There were two reasons for the project to fail. First the electromechanical equipment acquired by the PNR became obsolete very soon, due to the invention of a new electronic model. Secondly, the conflicted between Cárdenas and Calles gave rise to some changes in the presidential cabinet and in the PNR leadership. Thus, television party promoters were removed, and state television sympathizers arose.




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